NRG Health & Fitness Blog
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Working out together
Look Good: Staying attracted to your partner in all the ways that matter throughout a lifetime is possible, you simply need to figure out how to do it. So , you wonder, how can we improve our relationship and maintain our good looks as well ? That’s easy; start working out together. By exercising together, […]

What to drink when exercising ?
What to Drink When You Exercise We all know that when we work out, it’s important to stay hydrated. But what should we be drinking? Ordinary water, of course, is the classic choice. However we have a huge range of flavored drinks to choose from also. Experts say it all depends on your taste — […]

Run v Bike & Other Calorie – Burning Questions
Run v. Bike And Other Calorie-Burning Questions Why your cardio machine’s calorie count isn’t quite right. By Alex Hutchinson Published September 23, 2013 How Many Calories Are You Really Burning? I got an e-mail from a reader recently asking about the relative calorie consumption of biking versus running. Using typical calculators like the Compendium of […]

Three Things Every Exercise Program Should Have
1. What you should know to design a safe and effective exercise program A complete fitness program must include aerobic exercise, muscular strength and endurance conditioning, and flexibility exercise. Aerobic exercise does good things for your cardiovascular system and is an important part of weight management. Muscular conditioning can improve strength and posture, reduce the […]

A Nutritionist’s Tips For Healthy Living
WATER – Adequate water can actually reverse athrosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to plaque build-up). It seems that water can actually flush the arteries of plaque. It also expands blood vessels and makes arteries more elastic, which is essential for healthy hearts. Most importantly, I believe, is that adequate hydration raises the metabolism and […]